Shipping Glossary

Shipping glossary is a list of terms and acronyms in shipping, freight forwarding, and logistics. Shipping glossary is more of a quick reference guide to ensure you never get tied up in transport terminology. Correct terminology and abbreviations in shipping glossary...

Import Prohibition List

The  Nigeria import prohibition list consist of the following details below : Live or Dead Birds including Frozen Poultry – H.S. Codes 0105.1100 – 0105.9900, 0106.3100 – 0106.3900, 0207.1100 – 0207.3600 and 0210.9900   Pork, Beef – H.S. Codes 0201.1000 –...

What is Form M

What is Form M has often been an issue to some who requires more detailed explanation. Form M is a mandatory statutory document to be completed by all importers for importation of goods into Nigeria. Form M is inevitable and very fundamental to Customs clearance and...

Calculation of Import Duty

Calculation of import duty in Nigeria entails payment of import duty based on applicable H.S. code, 7% surcharge, 1% Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme(CISS), 0.5% ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme(ETLS), and 7.5% VAT which are to be made through one of the...

Guidelines for Importers

The guidelines for importers entails that any person intending to import physical goods into Nigeria shall in the first instance process Form M through any Authorized dealer bank irrespective of the value and whether or not payment is involved with the following...

Temporary Importation(T.I)

The Nigeria Customs Service may provide the concession to import on temporary basis. Such concession are normally granted for oil rigs, ships, barges and other special equipment of high value, provided that such equipment is not available for purchase/rent in Nigeria....
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